Monday, December 19, 2011

I [try to] Celebrate the Day

I love this song by Relient K and I was frustrated to see no decent videos available on You-Tube. I wanted to share the song with my friends, but the only versions were either recorded live or had just the album cover for video.

I decided to make my own video! I used lots of family photos and I joined a photo site so that I could use other pictures legally.

I worked on and tweaked the video until I was happy with it... I uploaded it to Youtube, and left the setting "Private" so that only friends can see it. I announced it on my FB page, Marty clicked on it, and it said it's blocked due to copyright violation!

Now here's the thing. Why is it a copyright violation when I upload my very first video, but there are thousands and thousands of songs on Youtube that are clear copyright violations? I don't get it.

I also tried uploading it to Facebook, but FB wouldn't let me load it because of copyrighted material. Humph. I'm a big believer in paying for movies, photos, and songs. Pay the artists their due. But why can't I upload this when so many others can?

So, I'm going to see if you're able to see my video if I post it on here.

Wish me luck!

© Can Stock Photo


  1. By the way, the photo above is not one from Can Stock Photo, it's from us.
    This is from our oldest granddaughter's first Christmas, and then later you see her at last year's Christmas.
    The copyright for Can Stock Photo is for the photos I "purchased." Can you tell which ones are theirs and which are ours?
